Silk Road forums

Market => Rumor mill => Topic started by: poppydickens on June 18, 2012, 08:08 pm

Title: MrYellow Scam ( Taking Advantage of Early Finalization )
Post by: poppydickens on June 18, 2012, 08:08 pm
On May 31 I ordered 1g of Green Crack from MrYellow. My order was soon put into transit so I waited about a week and nothing arrived I messaged MrYellow and was told that I have to finalize early before items were shipped which I will admit fault for not reading vendor profile. So last thursday I finalized my order and waited for a response back from MrYellow. Did not hear from him till the following tuesday saying

MrYellow- "Sorry mate, all orders went out tonight, (monday) We will have tracking shortly as my shipping guy is entering the dcn's in the database right now;)"

Me-"Can I please get a dcn"

Have yet to get any response back from MrYellow and it is now a week later no dcn and no package. I understand its only a 1 gram but its the principal behind this whole transaction. What is happening to buyers rights on SR. This dictation of finalizing early from the vendors is bullshit. I would just like a response from MrYellow himself explaining where my shit is. Simple!!!


Title: Re: MrYellow Scam ( Taking Advantage of Early Finalization )
Post by: kungfool on June 19, 2012, 04:08 am
don't buy from dicks.  there are plenty who don't require FE
Title: Re: MrYellow Scam ( Taking Advantage of Early Finalization )
Post by: nomad bloodbath on June 19, 2012, 04:40 am
don't buy from dicks.  there are plenty who don't require FE

FE sparks eager beaver syndrome.
Read the word, know it's true.

nomad bloodbath
Title: Re: MrYellow Scam ( Taking Advantage of Early Finalization )
Post by: MrYellow on June 25, 2012, 11:10 pm
You know, it's fuckin funny how people post outrageous claims on here about scamming, and then when they receive there package thay don't update the post, now poopydickens i will ask you to edit your post reflecting how you have received your package since i am looking at the tracking now and it says it was delivered on the 22nd, 3 days later and i'm still a fucking scammer to you i guess... anyways i will post the tracking number here for all to see if you don't edit, I'm sick and tired of this shit on the forums and if you wanna play hardball i can too, I will also be adding you to the scammer buyer list if this is not resolved...

Title: Re: MrYellow Scam ( Taking Advantage of Early Finalization )
Post by: MrYellow on July 01, 2012, 06:44 pm
Thats what I thought punk... Adding poopydickens to the scammer buyers list;)

Title: Re: MrYellow Scam ( Taking Advantage of Early Finalization )
Post by: poppydickens on July 12, 2012, 04:16 am
Thats what I thought punk... Adding poopydickens to the scammer buyers list;)


Fuck you asshole. How many days did I sit and wait on my porch thinking I had shit in the mail with no response from you except that it was shipped 2 weeks prior and low and behold it was never shipped so I don't want to fucking here it!! I also fucking dare you to put that tracking number on here for public SR to see. That goes against buyers rights and will report your ass quicker than you can blink!!! Don't put it on me that your shit got fucked up and your operation is so unorganized that you couldn't keep up/ let your customers know what was going on until it became an all around issue and then to have to nerve to actually be mad that you have an angered CONSUMER you fucking prick. Kick Rocks and Fall off a cliff!!! Thanks for the recommendation for me to be considered a scammer for just trying to legitimately buy some weed!!
Title: Re: MrYellow Scam ( Taking Advantage of Early Finalization )
Post by: MarleysMainMan on July 16, 2012, 05:46 am
Hey guys, just wanted to let you know we don't require fe and we have a great grand opening deal goin on, come check us out:)

Title: Re: MrYellow Scam ( Taking Advantage of Early Finalization )
Post by: Imaginarytailus13 on July 16, 2012, 10:45 am
Ahh how I love drama. Some director should start a drama based on SR and the forums, I`m sure it would be a hit.
Title: Re: MrYellow Scam ( Taking Advantage of Early Finalization )
Post by: wildrabbit on August 04, 2012, 04:15 am
havent ordered from MrYellow in a while, but i would like to reiterate that he is THE MAN and a good vendor.  I too had a shipping issue with him.  Package never arrived. You know what, sometimes it happend!   I informed him of this (and handled it privately), and he was amazing.  He re-sent the package and even made it fatter.  All i did was repay shipping.  To which i offered, he didnt even ask me to do this.  Anyone hating on MrYellow is hating on one of the GOOD guys here and I hope you can see that. 
Title: Re: MrYellow Scam ( Taking Advantage of Early Finalization )
Post by: IIGOODTIMEII on August 17, 2012, 05:29 pm
yea Mr Y is the man. he is bad at comm. which i wish he would fix, but it is good bud
Title: Re: MrYellow Scam ( Taking Advantage of Early Finalization )
Post by: spacecase on August 17, 2012, 05:36 pm
yea Mr Y is the man. he is bad at comm. which i wish he would fix, but it is good bud

He requires early finalization that's a horrible vendor. Only bad vendors require that or vendors who will turn bad. History has proven me to be right and as we all know history does repeat itself.
Title: Re: MrYellow Scam ( Taking Advantage of Early Finalization )
Post by: Regi on August 17, 2012, 05:56 pm
I personally can vouch for Mr Yellow. He was a good seller to me, and he is a very reputable weed seller on the SR. Also, he has his own review thread so you don't have to make your own "Mr Yellow scammed me" thread.
Title: Re: MrYellow Scam ( Taking Advantage of Early Finalization )
Post by: IIGOODTIMEII on August 17, 2012, 06:41 pm
become a trusted buyer and maybe escrow is ok.
Title: Re: MrYellow Scam ( Taking Advantage of Early Finalization )
Post by: psychonauts on August 17, 2012, 06:51 pm
i'm sure mrY is a good vendor, but even *threatening* to post a buyer's DCN on here is fucked up, *that* is what should be edited out
Title: Re: MrYellow Scam ( Taking Advantage of Early Finalization )
Post by: gospodin on August 17, 2012, 06:55 pm
stop crying over a fucking gram, he's a good vendor your fault for not reading profile, he says he requires FE, now if you get scammed don't blame anyone but your self, you said you finalized Thursday he shipped it Monday big deal you had to wait three business days for him to ship you your one gram
Title: Re: MrYellow Scam ( Taking Advantage of Early Finalization )
Post by: Chronic Crew on August 18, 2012, 12:13 am
I don't endorse FE either, but have for international from trusted vendors.

BUT, if you were required to FE after marked "in transit" you expect the vendor to keep your order or parcel stored safe till you may, or may not follow his rules? SERIOUSLY??? I don't keep any records, and any reminder note goes in the paper shredder asap. I have anonymous postage accounts. the shipping history and SR vendor screen are the only records of any type.

would it have been better to you hear the vendor WAS keeping your info just lying around or on a hard-drive for a week ???? fuck that

Title: Re: MrYellow Scam ( Taking Advantage of Early Finalization )
Post by: TurpenT on August 23, 2012, 05:27 am
MrYellow is not scamming anyone. I think this thread needs to be removed immediately. If nothing else he has his own review page if you have something to say about him as a vendor.

If you read his seller's page he clearly states his policies. If you don't like his stipulations, then don't buy from him. It's that simple. If you didn't do your due diligence then you have nobody to blame but yourself.

If you don't want to FE, then find a vendor that doesn't require it. There are plenty out there. However, some vendors don't have enough cash flow to let thousands of dollars sit in escrow , and still be able to reup and take care of other business expenses.

MrYellow is a stand up guy, and his rep on SR speaks for itself. He had a small stocking issue recently, but he's taken full responsibility and is doing pretty everything he can to make it right (he's stocked again to my knowledge, in case you wondered).

And lastly- all this over a gram? Seriously? Do you realize how insignificant that is? Obviously not. If he was scamming, it would definitely be for more than a gram of pot ;)

Title: Re: MrYellow Scam ( Taking Advantage of Early Finalization )
Post by: IIGOODTIMEII on August 23, 2012, 09:04 am
Right on TurpenT
Title: Re: MrYellow Scam ( Taking Advantage of Early Finalization )
Post by: astark on September 05, 2012, 02:37 am
Has not contacted me about an ounce, and all messages have gone unread. Also, he's not been on for 4 days.

Just saying, not looking so good.
Title: Re: MrYellow Scam ( Taking Advantage of Early Finalization )
Post by: IIGOODTIMEII on September 05, 2012, 04:13 am
well he does take weekends off. it is weird about tue. but i have done bussiness with him about 5 or 6 times now. always comes through but i do not FE either. order big and have really good stats then you are good as gold. plus it is almost harvest season maybe he is working
Title: Re: MrYellow Scam ( Taking Advantage of Early Finalization )
Post by: tylerdurdan on September 07, 2012, 10:46 am
Yes he is a scam! If you don't have a presence on these forums before you order from him he will screw you over. He has several vendor accounts--MaryJanesEx, TimeTraveler,milehighmedicine, marleysmainman, and probably more. And I will bet anyone that he has dozens of fake buyer accounts too. He probably uses these to offset the real transactions and has no intention of sending product for most of his orders. Or if he does its gonna be total shit weed and isn't gonna be what you paid for in any way. SCAM SCAM SCAM

edit: looking back I put a few too many "SCAM"s :)
Title: Re: MrYellow Scam ( Taking Advantage of Early Finalization )
Post by: IIGOODTIMEII on September 07, 2012, 05:52 pm
that's sad.  why oh why
Title: Re: MrYellow Scam ( Taking Advantage of Early Finalization )
Post by: spacecase #2 on September 07, 2012, 05:58 pm
Does he ship from an island off florida? If not then he's not 2 of them people.
Title: Re: MrYellow Scam ( Taking Advantage of Early Finalization )
Post by: PaperStreetSoapCompany on September 07, 2012, 06:28 pm
Has not contacted me about an ounce, and all messages have gone unread. Also, he's not been on for 4 days.

Just saying, not looking so good.

Title: Re: MrYellow Scam ( Taking Advantage of Early Finalization )
Post by: toadllama on September 11, 2012, 02:21 am
Has not contacted me about 1/2 oz here; will update if I receive a pm or package. Trying to be cautious by posting here. Been at least 3 weeks since I made the purchase and FE'd.
Title: Re: MrYellow Scam ( Taking Advantage of Early Finalization )
Post by: Ting on September 11, 2012, 02:33 am
Why would you ever post the DCN? Are you not concerned that this will expose you or your client's identity?
Title: Re: MrYellow Scam ( Taking Advantage of Early Finalization )
Post by: IIGOODTIMEII on September 11, 2012, 03:49 am
well they took him down as a seller now. maryjanesex is still up and running though.
Title: Re: MrYellow Scam ( Taking Advantage of Early Finalization )
Post by: tylerdurdan on September 19, 2012, 11:12 am
Does he ship from an island off florida? If not then he's not 2 of them people.
Yes he ships from florida, the one package I got after a lot of shit was from florida.

well they took him down as a seller now. maryjanesex is still up and running though.

MaryJanesEx is down as of when I posted this, but it has been over a week since you made your post so you probably know